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  • —Comic-book "Vallecas. Los años de barro 2". Screenwritter: Rodolfo Serrano. Published by Hoy Es Siempre Ediciones, April 2024.

  • —Comic-book "Mad Market". Screenwriters: Marina Armengol Más and Román López-Cabrera. Drawing, ink and lettering: Román López-Cabrera. Color: Román López-Cabrera and Marina Armengol Más. Prologue: Bamf! (Comic Freaks). Epilogue: Jennifer Armengol Más. Published by Cósmica Editorial, march, 2023.

  • —Comic "¡Hay que arreglar lo de Dinamarca!". Script, drawing, ink and lettering: Román López-Cabrera. Color: Román López-Cabrera and Marina Armengol Más. Prologue: Jorge Rivera. Published by Cascaborra Ediciones, february, 2023.

  • —Comic-book "Vallecas. Los años de barro". Screenwritter: Rodolfo Serrano. Published by Hoy Es Siempre Ediciones, May 2022. 2nd Print: July 2022. 3rd Print: January, 2023. Fourth edition: April 2024.

  • —Comic-book "Geständnisse" (german edition of "La Confesión"). Screenwritter: Fernando Llor. Published by Zwechfell Vernal, December 2021.

  • —Collective Comic-book "Octobriana y los vengadores soviéticos contra el capitalismo nuclear". Pencils and Inks in Chapter #1 and cover. Screenwritter: Fernando Llor. Prologue: Javi Mora. Published by Cósmica Editorial, October 2021. 2nd Edition: 2022.

  • —Comic-book "Biografías en Viñetas 02: Miguel Hernández. Piedra Viva". Script, pencils, inks and lettering: Román López-Cabrera. Color: Román López-Cabrera and Marina Armengol Más. Prologue: José Luis Ferris. Epilogues: Aitor L. Larrabide and José Carlos Rovira. Published by Cascaborra Ediciones, May 20, 2021. 2nd Edition: March 2022.

  • —Comic-book "Memoria de una Guitarra".  Script, pencils, inks and lettering: Román López-Cabrera. Color: Román López-Cabrera and Marina Armengol Más. Published by Evolution Comics (Panini España) June 25, 2020.

  • —Comic-book "La Confesión". Screenwritter: Fernando Llor. Published by The RocketMan Project, November 2019.

  • —Comic-book "1643: Rocroi". Screenwriter: Roberto Corroto. Published by Cascaborra Ediciones. 1st Print: January 2019. 2nd Print: March, 2023.

  • Assistant of Salva Espín (drawing and ink of backgrounds and filling characters) in "Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series # 2". Screenwriter: Fred Van Lente. Published by Marvel Comics, August 2017.

  • Assistant of Salva Espín (drawing and ink on several pages) in "The Unbeatables # 3". Screenwriter: Fabian Nicieza. Published by Marvel Comics, 2017.

  • —Comic-book "1937: La toma de Málaga". Screenwriter: Roberto Corroto. Published by Carmona en viñetas, November 2017.

  • Nominated in two categories to the Carlos Giménez Awards in Heroes Comic Con Madrid 2018 (Roberto Corroto as best national screenwriter and Román López-Cabrera as best inker).

  • —Collective Comic-book "Sangre en el Suelo" (supported by a Crowdfunding). Pencils and Inks in Chapter #8. Screenwritter: Fernando Llor. Published by The RocketMan Project, January 2017.

  • —Comic-Book "Ligonomics, Cervezas, Macarrones y otros Secretos Económicos del Amor" (supported by a Crowdfunding). Pencils and Inks in Chapters #13, 14 and 15. Writter: Guillermo de Haro. Pencils and inks in chapters #1-12 and 16: Marcelo "Mache" González. Published by JotDown Books, April 2016.

  • —Super hero Comic-book "Secret Family" (Supported by a Crowdfunding), with prologue written by Fernando Dagnino (DC Comics / Dark Horse Comics). Published by 2015.

  • —Comic book “Miguel Hernández, La Fontana Eterna” Edited by the Department of Culture of the City of Orihuela (October of 2013).

  • —Comic book “Jacarilla Sostenible” for the City of Jacarilla (Edited by the Provincial Government of Alicante, 2013)

  • —Comic book “Contes de la Festa Major” (self published. 2012).



  • —Novel "Nevadahonda". Prologue: El Torres. Edited by: Dolmen Editorial, May 2024.

  • —Poemary "Árbol Axial o La Dialéctica del Frío" (finalists of the 76º Premio Adonáis de Poesía 2022), published by Sonámbulos Ediciones, October 2023.

  • —Poem "Ven a buscarme" in the Catalog of Finalists for the 76th Adonáis Poetry Prize 2022, December 2022.

  • Collection of poems "Acontece" in the anthological book "Cantar la Vida 2019 y 2020 (Ganadores del XX y XXI Premio Provincial de Poesía de Aspe)". Edited by Colectivo Hedera de Ecodesarrollo, Cultura y Deporte / Los Libros de Balmenhorn, December 2021.

  • —Short story "El terrible olor de las tortitas" in the anthology book "Relatos ganadores del premio de narrativa breve (Aspe, 2018 · 2020)". Edited by: Aspe City Council Youth Department, December 2021.

  • —Poem book "Galileo convertido en una vaca" with Aron DubH. Design: Aron DubH. Edited by: Independently Published, June 1, 2021.

  • —Poems "Poema en la Torre Eiffel", "Un ramo de París" and "1 de mayo" and intervention in the collective poems "Poema dadaísta nº. 1", "Poema dadaísta nº. 2", "Poema dadaísta nº. 3", "Poema dadaísta nº. 4", "Poema dadaísta nº. 5" and "De periódicos" in the poem book "El preámbulo. Poemas nocturnos" by Marina Moreno Lara. Cover design: Marina Moreno Lara. Cover illustration: Román López-Cabrera. Edited by: Independently Published, March 1, 2021.

  • —Poem book "Puntos cardenales". Prologue: Rodolfo Serrano. Cover design: Román López-Cabrera. Cover illustration: María López Albaladejo. Edited by: Independently Published, September 2021.

  • —Novel "Calapobre". Edited by: Independently Published, May 14, 2020.

  • —Poem book "Contrato en el aire (2009-2020)". Cover design: Aron DubH and Jennifer Armengol Más. Edited by: Independently Published, March 11, 2020.

  • —Poem book "Por alusiones". Prologue: Salomé Medina Lorente. Epilogues: Antonio García Teijeiro and Aron DubH. Edited by: Independently Published, April 29, 2019.

  • —Poem book "Contigo hago el mundo". Cover design: Román López-Cabrera. Cover illustration: Irene Torregrosa Espinosa. Edited by: Independently Published, December 8, 2018.

  • —Poem book "Poseía". Foreword: José Luis Ferris. Edited by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, September 18, 2018.

  • —Poem book "La muerte de las cerillas". Edited by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 30, 2018. —Poem book "La vida de las cerillas". Edited by: Editorial Club Universitario (ECU), 2008. ​



  • —Illustration inspired by the TV movie "The Amazing Spider-Man" (1978) published in the Comics & Yakata 2022 calendar.

  • —Illustrations "La Toma de Málaga" & "Pepe Soller" in collective cataloge "Santa Cruz Cómic. Los autores del salón", published by Los Archivos de la Fundación Cine + Cómics, 2021.

  • —Short story (Comic-book) "Mujeres Libres". Screenwriter: Anunciación Belchí Gómez. First Layout: Mª Begoña Fernández García. In Mujeres x Mujeres #0: Homenaje a Mujeres Libres Magazine. Published by Mujeres x Mujeres / Asociación Cultural Jacarilla 2012, 2021.

  • —Illustration in "Abraxas en Cuarentena". Published by Ediciones Inuit, October 8, 2020.

  • —Short story (Comic-book) "Muñeca".  in Egorama #2 Magazine. Published by Egorama Magazine, 2020.

  • —Illustration inspired by the film "The Incredible Hulk Returns" (1988) published in Historietas & Yakata 2020 Calendar.

  • "I Salón del Manga de Molina de Segura" Poster. With Salva Espín and Nacho Fernández (Nachomón), 2019.

  • —Comic book “Thriller” published in the “We are the Warghs!” of “Stuio Wargh!” fanzine (2011).

  • —Ilustration called “Miguel en la Sierra” with the poem “Nocturno, el poeta” in the “Artistas por Miguel Hernández en su centenario” book (2010).

  • —Third Prize in the XXIV Premio Provincial de Poesía de Aspe, with the collection of poems "Beach chair when leaving the roundabout." November 2023.
  • —Finalist of the "76º Premio Adonáis de Poesía" with the collection of poems "Árbol axial" (December 2022).
  • —First Prize in the "II Concurso de Pintura José Gálvez, El Santero", with the work "Ángel" (Jacarilla, november 2022).
  • —Special Mention in the XXII Premio Géminis de Narrativa Breve de Aspe for the story "El terrible olor de las tortitas". December 2020.
  • —Nominated in the category of `best inking' in the Carlos Giménez Awards in Heroes Comic Con Madrid 2018.

  • —2nd Prize in "19è Concurs de Còmic de Nou Barris" (Barcelona) with the work "El Monstruo en el Espejo" (Juny 2018).

  • —1st prize in "XIX Concurso de Cómic y Manga para Autores Noveles", with the work “Intrusos” (Alicante, October 2016).

  • —1st Prize in "23º Certamen de Cómic - Mutantes Paseantes" (San Roque, Cádiz) with the work "Matando el tiempo" (October 2016).

  • —1st Prize in "17è Concurs de Còmic de Nou Barris" (Barcelona) with the work "1 de Noviembre" (Juny 2016).

  • —2nd Prize in "16è Concurs de Còmic de Nou Barris" (Barcelona) with the work "Estar a la altura" (Juny 2015).

  • —1st Prize in the "II Concurso de Cómic Negro y Denuncia Social de Salobreña" with the work "Fin". (March 2015).

  • —Winner of the XXI National Comics Competition Dos Hermanas in the category of "What's Equality and Against Gender Violence" (March 2015).

  • —3rd Prize en "15è Concurs de Còmic de Nou Barris" (Barcelona) with the work "Què Malament Està el Món!" (Juny 2014).

  • —Award To the best comic book (first prize) in the XVI Contest Comic-book of Las Rozas (Madrid), with the work "Heroes and Villains". November 2014.

  • —Second Prize in II Comic-book and Graphic Novel Contest 'Linea sinuosa' by the publisher, with the super hero comic-book project "Family Secret" (March 2014).

  • —2nd prize in the XXII Comic-book Contest of Calldetenes, with the work “L’Autovia” (2013).

  • —Monthly Contest Winner “Marvel Collectibles” Panini Comics, February Call: Captain America. (March 2013).

  • —Monthly Contest Winner “Marvel Collectibles” Panini Comics, October Call: The Avengers Vs The X-Men (November 2012).

  • —1st prize in Creajoven 2012 of Murcia, with the work “La Biblioteca” (September 2012)

  • —2nd prize in Creajoven 2011 of Murcia, with the work “This Picture”(September 2011).

  • —1st prize in the "XIX Concurso de Cómic y Manga para Autores Noveles", with the work “Yo no fui” (Alicante, October 2011).

  • —Achievement Award in the 1st Painting and Drawing Contest by Pedrera’s Foundation” with the work “Espejismo”. (Orihuela, 2004).

  • —Commemorative plaque in the achievement of the comic book world and arts, given by the city council of Jacarilla (2011).


  • —High school degree of Arts (“School of Art and Design”, Orihuela).

  • —First year Bachelor of Art History (University of La Merced, Murcia).

  • —Bachelor of Fine Arts (Faculty of Espinardo, Murcia).

  • —Comic book course imparted by José María Laborda at the Academy González Fuster (Murcia).

  • —Domestika’s online Comic-book course “El Cómic es Otra Historia" imparted by Paco Roca (“Arruas”, “Los Surcos del Azar”…). November 2014.

  • —Domestika's online Comic-book course "El Cómic de Superhéroes: Narrativa y Realización Gráfica" imparted by Carlos Pacheco (DC, Marvel,...).

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